
5 Questions to Ask at a Job Fair to Make a Great First Impression

Attending a job fair can be a great way to make new connections — and maybe even find a new job. However, employers often meet with hundreds — even thousands — of candidates at these events, so proper preparation is needed to make a great impression.

It’s essential to ask the right questions, as this will make you stand out from the crowd. Here are five questions you should ask every employer you’d like to learn more about.

  1. Can you tell me more about (the job title you’re interested in)?

Conducting proper research before a job fair is crucial. Take a look at the list of employers slated to attend and check the job listings on the websites of those you’re interested in. This will allow you to see which companies currently have openings that might meet your needs.

On the day of the job fair, ask the representative for more information on the specific job you’re interested in. Showing you did your research will make a great impression, as most attendees will ask what positions are available.

  1. What does your hiring process involve?

Make it clear you’re a serious job seeker by asking more about what the hiring process entails. This will give you an idea of the company’s timeline, so you can decide if it aligns with your own. Learning more about the screening process will also allow you to gauge the amount of care the company puts into finding the right fit.

  1. Does the company offer growth and development opportunities?

Show the recruiter you’re serious about a future at the company by inquiring about the ability to advance. They’ll be impressed that you’re looking for a place to grow your career, and you’ll get to learn whether this is possible. The last thing you want is to have to search for a new job again in a few years because yours turned out to be a dead end.

  1. How would you describe the company culture?

Finding the right new job is about so much more than just the position itself. Impress the recruiter by asking about the culture, because if you don’t fit in, you won’t last. This question can save both of you a lot of time, as it wouldn’t make sense to continue pursuing a job at the company if the work environment isn’t a match for your personality.

  1. How can we stay in touch?

After making a connection at the company, you want to keep the conversation going. Show your continued interest in the company by making sure you know the recruiter’s first and last name, and asking for their contact information — i.e., a business card. This will make it easy to follow-up and continue to nurture the relationship.

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