
Becoming a Better Leader Starts With Developing Stronger Listening Skills

Becoming a Better Leader Starts With Developing Stronger Listening Skills

You want to be the best possible leader for your team, but to be honest, your listening skills could use some improvement. This can cause you to miss key information, as well as make your employees feel like you’re not interested in what they have to say.

As someone focused on constant growth, you know you need to do better, and you’re ready to start working toward positive change.

Here’s some advice to help you become a better listener:

Stop Interrupting

It’s a bad habit most people are guilty of at least sometimes. Interrupting might be so second nature to you that you don’t even realize you’re doing it. The thing is, the person you’re speaking with is well aware of it — and they find it super irritating. Be cognizant of this problem, and bite your tongue when you catch yourself about to talk before the other person is finished.

Ask More Questions

Being a good listener is about more than just staying quiet while someone else is speaking — it’s also about understanding what they’re saying. Asking questions shows the other person you’re really listening, while clarifying key details to make sure you don’t miss anything important.

Repeat What You’ve Heard

Obviously, you don’t need to — and definitely shouldn’t — repeat the other person word for word. However, it’s nice to repeat the last few words of the conversation, because it will make them feel heard. This also provides a pause to help you process what they’re saying and give you a little extra time to form a response.

Listen to Learn

When you’re listening for the sole purpose of being polite, it’s easy for your attention to stray. Avoid this by going into the conversation with a desire to learn. Even if you’re not looking forward to the talk, viewing it as an opportunity to gain knowledge will help you become more interested in what the other person has to say.

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