
4 Common Mistakes First-Time Managers Make

You’ve just stepped into your first managerial role, and you’re equally excited and terrified. Leading a team of people is something you’ve always wanted to do, but getting started can be intimidating.

Finding your way at the helm takes time, so give yourself a break. You’re going to make plenty of mistakes — and that’s okay — but here are a few common ones that are easy to avoid.

Failing to Delegate

Being the boss is a tremendous job, with a lot of responsibility. You’re used to having a list of solo tasks to complete, but things are different now. You need to focus on the big picture, so that means delegating items that can be completed by others out to your team. If you try to do it all, you’ll send yourself into burnout in no time.

Focusing on the Small Stuff

No one likes a micromanager. Being the boss means you’re in charge, but you can’t control everything. It’s important to let employees complete work their way. Of course, you should step in if you see mistakes being made, but otherwise, stay out of it. People might do things differently than you would, but that doesn’t make them wrong.

Overthinking Every Decision

Making decisions that impact your entire team — or company — can be scary, but you were promoted because your boss knows you can shine in this role. Weigh big choices carefully, but don’t be afraid to make them. Delaying too much can be worse than making the wrong decision.

Accept the fact that you’re not always going to get it right. When you make a mistake, set a great example for your team by owning it, and doing what it takes to correct the situation.

Promising Too Much

You have a strong desire to please your team because you want them to like you. This makes sense, but making promises you can’t keep won’t win you any points. Before agreeing to do something — i.e., getting everyone new computers — make sure your promise is feasible. No matter how good your intentions, you’ll lose your team’s trust if you gain a reputation of not keeping your word.

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