
5 Signs of Low Employee Morale and How to Correct It

Once upon a time, your team was buzzing. Spirits were high, everyone got along and productivity was through the roof. Unfortunately, things have changed.

Morale at your company is currently nearing an all-time low. Your team shows up to work, but they’re not bringing their best, and they certainly don’t seem like they want to be there.

Chances are, your employees are suffering from low morale. Here are five signs commonly associated with low morale, and tips to turn things around.

  1. Poor Engagement Levels

Most of your team has been in their jobs for a while now. Even when a person likes their work, doing the same thing every day can start to feel mundane.

Help reignite the passion employees once had for their jobs by meeting with them individually to discuss their goals. Use this information to dole out new tasks or assign them to new projects that will help them build the skill set needed to succeed in the future.

  1. High Turnover

If you’re constantly hiring, because employees barely stay put long enough to get through orientation, this is a problem. This takes a toll on existing employees, because it’s hard to frequently adjust to new co-workers, in addition to the stress of taking on extra work in the interim.

Make a change for the better by taking a long look at your culture. Clearly, something is going wrong, so figure out what that is and work to change it. Focusing on building a solid team is a good start, because employees who really know each other and enjoy working together are less inclined to leave.

  1. Burnout

If employees have essentially lost their will to work, they might be burned out. This is common among overworked teams that have been pushed past their limits.

Helping them get past this will take time, but as long as their passion for their jobs is still there, it can happen. A resolution might involve giving them some time away from work, hiring additional employees, and simply asking people what they need to get out of their rut.

  1. Frequent Sick Days

If employees seem stressed and regularly take sick days — without a sign of illness — this should concern you. It’s likely they’re taking mental health days, which means their jobs are grating on their emotional well-being.

Combat this by giving employees more flexibility with their schedules. Offering flextime, giving people the ability to work from home — at least sometimes — and allow people to set their own work hours will perk them right back up.

  1. Low Productivity

Your team isn’t accomplishing as much as you’d like each day. They frequently fall short of productivity goals, which is impacting your bottom line.

Instead of instantly assuming they’re lazy, take a look at the bigger picture. You might find people are frustrated by outdated technology, unnecessary processes and procedures or your micromanaging.

Searching for new employees who will make your team stronger than ever? Contact PrideStaff Dallas to connect with top talent ready to get to work!
