
How to Professionally Follow Up with Your Interviewer

Interview Follow Up Tips | PrideStaff Dallas

When you’re looking for a new job, there’s nothing more exciting than leaving an interview feeling like you really nailed it. However, your excitement quickly fizzles when days and even weeks go by and you’re hearing crickets. Silence certainly isn’t always a bad thing, but the not knowing can be very nerve-wracking.

You’ll be glad to hear that it is perfectly acceptable to check-in with the hiring manager after your interview. Of course, you’ll need to tread lightly, so you don’t risk inadvertently offending them and ruining your chances of getting the job.

How to Professionally Follow Up with Your Interviewer

The interview itself is only part of the candidate selection process. How you handle yourself afterwards can also influence your chances of getting the job. Create your follow up plan immediately following the meeting to ensure you don’t miss a beat. Follow these steps to make a great impression:

  1. Promptly Send a Thank You Note: It may seem like a small step, but the gesture can have a major impact. Send a thank you note to everyone you met with during the interview immediately following the meeting. You’ll want to send a handwritten note if the company is more traditional, but otherwise emailing it is perfectly acceptable.
  2. Politely Check-In: If the hiring manager told you they’d be making a decision in a week and that deadline has past, it’s perfectly acceptable to check in with a note to see where you stand. Rather than blatantly stating they didn’t keep their word, graciously mention the timeframe you were given and ask where they are in the hiring process.
  3. Know When to Surrender: It’s only appropriate to send one follow-up note. If the interviewer doesn’t respond or continues to string you along, it’s time to move on. A company that shows such little respect to candidates doesn’t deserve your time anyway, so be grateful you’ve dodged a potentially toxic work environment.

Tired of feeling unfulfilled at work? Contact PrideStaff North Dallas. Our team of professional recruiters is committed to helping you find a new position that’s a great fit for your skills and experience.
